WCEF2024 – Turning circular visions into actions! Brussels, 15-18 April 2024
Turning circular visions into actions!
Brussels, 15-18 April 2024
The annual World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) presents the world’s leading circular economy solutions with business leaders, policymakers and experts participating from around the world. Circular economy approaches can help businesses seize new opportunities and gain a competitive advantage, as well as contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
WCEF is a global initiative of Finland and Sitra, the Finnish Innovation Fund. The forum has been held since 2017, growing bigger and more powerful each year.
EBCAM at the Global Gateway High-Level Event on Education, Brussels, 11 April 2024
EBCAM at the Global Gateway High-Level Event on Education
Brussels, 11 April 2024
Co-hosted by the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the Global Gateway High-Level Education Event, which took place on 11 April 2024 in Brussels, aimed to highlight EU's role in transforming global education and bridging skills gaps.
The Transforming Education Summit (TES) that took place in September 2022 in New York, called for accelerating progress of education and training systems to make them fit for the future. The EU responded with dedication by taking leadership at the Summit, committing at least 10% of its international partnerships budget to education, and prioritising education and research under the Global Gateway Strategy. This strategy focuses on addressing global challenges in line with SDGs by fostering smart, clean, and secure connections across the digital, transport, energy and climate-relevant, as well as health and education sectors.
EBCAM at the flagship event of its Dutch member NABC ‘’Africa Works!’’, Amsterdam, 23 April 2024
EBCAM at the flagship event of its Dutch member NABC
‘’Africa Works!’’
Amsterdam, 23 April 2024
A day dedicated to Africa’s Green Industrialisation that brought together the Dutch and European private sector with the African business world! Couldn’t be better than the 6th edition of the NABC's flagship conference Africa Works! that took place at the Royal Tropical Institute - KIT in Amsterdam.
EBCAM’s member from the Netherlands NABC organised a dynamic event that attracted companies, investors, experts, governments anddelegationsfrom both continents that had the opportunity to maximise potential partnerships and collaborations.
EBCAM at the event of the Ethiopian Embassy in Brussels and CBL-ACP ‘’Business Opportunities in Ethiopia’’ 28 March 2024
EBCAM at the event of the Ethiopian Embassy in Brussels and EBCAM's Belgian member CBL-ACP
‘’Business Opportunities in Ethiopia’’
Brussels, 28 March 2024
EBCAM participated in the event that its Belgian member CBL-ACP organised together with with the Embassy of Ethiopia & FIT, Hub.Brussels, AWEX & partners as an information seminar on doing business in Ethiopia.
During the event that was took place at the Embassy's premises, Belgian companies had the opportunity to meet with the Ambassador of Ethiopian in Brussels H.E Hirut zemene Kassaand and the officials of the Embassy and discuss about business opportunities for Belgian companies in Ethiopia but also exploring the ground for more trade between the two countries boosting the Ethiopian exports to Belgium.
European Business Council for Africa (EBCAM) held its 32nd General Assembly in Athens, Greece
On March 8, the European Business Council for Africa (EBCAM) held its 32nd General Assembly in Athens, Greece, hosted by its Greek member, the Hellenic African Chamber of Commerce & Development (HACCD).
EBCAM's members from around Europe, gathered to exchange insightful perspectives and reflect on development progress in African countries, the importance of Europe-Africa cooperation, the future of companies in the African continent amidst international instability and major challenges.
During the General Assembly, EBCAM had the privilege to meet Greek Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Kostas Fragogiannis, who unravelled the historic relationship between Greece and the African continent.
EBCAM participates in the TRADE PROMOTION EUROPE Conference 'Map to Global Gateway for European exporting SMEs - 7th February 2024 - Brussels
EBCAM participated in the Conference of Trade Promotion Europe, the voice of the European Trade Promotion Organisations to the EU Institutions and stakeholders, and a member of the Business Advisory Group of Global Gateway, which organised the TPE conference on Global Gateway, in partnership with AWEX, hub.brussels and FIT, on February 7th 2024 in Brussels.
Export Promotion Organisations, representatives from the EU Institutions, Business Organisations and other key actors participated in this high-level conference that was supported by the Belgian Presidency of the European Council the 1st semester of 2024.
EBCAM at the Seminar on Enhanced Coordination between Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) in the context of Global Gateway, 19 January 2024
DG INTPA and DG TRADE jointly organised a seminar on Export and Development Finance Enhanced Coordination in the Global Gateway context, which was held in Brussels city centre and online on 19 January 2024.
The seminar opened by Directors-General Koen Doens and Sabine Weyand along with the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU and featured high level speakers from both development finance institutions, export credit agencies and business representatives.
EBCAM was invited and participated in person in the all-day conference having the chance to meet with important actors of the Global Gateway initiative and the EU Institutions. EBCAM's secretariat with Secretary General and COO, EBCAM's member from Finland representative and a former EBCAM's Dutch member CEO met to exhange valuable views and discuss on the matter.
EBCAM at the 1st meeting of Commission Expert Group on Enhanced Coordination of External Financial tools, 18 January 2024
The first meeting of Commission Expert Group on Enhanced Coordination of External Financial tools (“Expert Group” or “Group”) took place in Brussels on 18 January 2024. This Expert Group meeting took place back-to-back with the high-level Seminar on Enhanced Coordination between Export Credit Agencies and Development Finance Institutions in the context of Global Gateway on 19th January 2024. EBCAM has the privilege to participate as Observer.
EBCAM participates in the Enrich in Africa Congress in Brussels on 21.11.2023
Enrich in Africa Congress
Wednesday 21 November
Brussels, Belgium
The european Business Council for Africa (EBCAM) participated in the Enrich in Africa Congress that was held on 21 November in Brussels.
The Enrich in Africa is a project funded by the EU that creates a network for innovation stakeholders in Europe and Africa to meet with each other but also with policy makers, investors, incubators and accelerators. ENRICH in Africa involves key stakeholders facilitating innovation and representing the full triple-helix of business, academia, and governance in its activities. A strong, holistic EU-Africa innovation ecosystem ensures that the work done with incubators is sustainable and integrated into the wider economic landscape.
EU - Namibia Business Forum, 24-25 October, Brussels, Belgium
On 24 and 25 October EBCAM participated in the EU-Namibia Business Forum that was held in Brussels under the theme: “Mobilising quality investment and value addition for green growth in the EU-Namibia partnership”. Focusing on green hydrogen and sustainable critical raw materials value chains, the two-day Business Forum aimed to foster ties and strengthen partnership between EU and Namibian government, businesses and organisations.