Rapport CIAN 2024 - Les entreprises internationales en Afrique

Le CIAN a publié son rapport annuel.
Le CIAN publie chaque année le Rapport CIAN « Les Entreprises françaises & l’Afrique » qui est édité par le journal l’Opinion.
Au sommaire de cette publication : les chiffres clés et tendances marquantes des échanges franco-africains, des articles de fond sur une thématique retenue et des interviews d’opérateurs de terrain, les résultats du Baromètre Cian sur l’environnement des affaires, le rapport d’activités du CIAN.
The Africa Debate: Mobilising Capital

On 6th July Invest Africa hosted the 8th Africa Debate, in person at The Guildhall, London, assembling over 350 business and policy leaders from over 40 countries, to discuss the most pressing social and economic issues facing the African continent. The EBCAM team attended this event and found it to be highly informative, having the opportunity to hear from high-level stakeholders in private sector investments in Africa, an all-round invaluable experience.
Africa in 2030 - Navigating a decade of uncertainty
Africa is facing a decade of difficult economic conditions. Already weighed down by the Coronavirus pandemic, which has significantly set back gains made since the turn of the century, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is amplifying risks ranging from food security and civil unrest, to fiscal stability and conflict.
This has subdued already muted optimism about the prospects for an economic recovery, with uncertainty likely to be the dominant theme through 2030.
How policymakers on the continent and their international partners respond to the challenges this presents will be instrumental in shaping Africa’s economic development throughout the decade, and potentially well beyond.
The Africa eJournal

The Corporate Council on Africa has published their latest edition of the Africa eJournal for March and April 2022. The publication covers their most recent activities including high profile meetings and initiatives.
RAPPORT CIAN 2022 - LES ENTREPRISES INTERNATIONALES EN AFRIQUE: Afrique – France : Un partenariat à réinventer

Le CIAN a publié son rapport annuel.
Le CIAN publie chaque année le Rapport CIAN « Les Entreprises françaises & l’Afrique ». Edité en version française et anglaise par le MOCI (Le Moniteur du Commerce International), son lectorat est évalué à plus de 100 000 personnes en France.
Au sommaire de cette publication : les chiffres clés et tendances marquantes des échanges franco-africains, des articles de fond sur une thématique retenue et des interviews d’opérateurs de terrain, les résultats du Baromètre CIAN sur l’environnement des affaires, le rapport d’activités du CIAN.
The success of the relaunch of the EU strategy to counter China will be decided in Africa

Berlin – On July 12, EU foreign ministers agreed on a new version of the connectivity strategy that was decided in 2018 yet never properly implemented. The strategy aims to finally breathe life into the idea of a globally connected Europe, and drive forward the implementing EU institutions. By the spring of 2022, concrete proposals are to be drawn up on how the European Union can counter China’s aspirations for greater global influence.
The key question is whether the relaunch of the strategy will also be accompanied by a change in thinking on the part of the politicians who intend to implement it. The need for this is particularly evident in Africa, where the strategies of Europe and China could not be more different. Beijing sees Africa not as a continent of problems, but as one of opportunities, and acts accordingly. It is investing enormous sums there – without any concerns that even one African refugee will ever reach China. The perception of German and European politicians, however, is still too clouded by concept of Africa as a continent of crisis. Between 1960 and 2004, 600 billion dollars of Western development aid flowed to the continent without any critical self-reflection as to whether this led to sustainable value creation or to improvements in the circumstances of the people there. European donor countries still place too much focus on improving social infrastructure. Unfortunately, this has led neither to many new jobs nor to a noticeable improvement in local value creation. These are precisely the factors that play a very important role in China’s Africa strategy, which is why the country seems to be successful on the continent.
The future of German energy supply lies also in Africa (Position Paper)

Achieving the Paris climate targets and reducing global carbon emissions remain central concerns for German industry and the German federal government. Despite the recession brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, they continue to be high political priorities. The German federal government is intensively engaged in national climate protection measures, and has laid down its national climate protection targets in the new German Climate Protection Act (Klimaschutzgesetz). The act provides for a reduction in carbon emissions by 55 percent by 2030.
Rebranding NABC - Confidence in African Business

NABC Company Rebranding
The past weekend at NABC has been one for the books! Not only did we hold a successful dinner for over 25 African Ambassadors, we finally revealed our official company rebranding! Here at the NABC, we aim to inform, inspire, catalyze and connect businesses with opportunities in Africa. As the leading organization for trade and investment for Africa based in the Netherlands, our brand is two folded: we are a networking community with a common interest in doing business in a striving continent, and we are a professional organization that implements high-level Africa-focused trade and investment facilitation activities, including trade missions, business events, and sector programs.
We stand for Confidence in African Business! Click here to watch the new NABC corporate video.
For more information please discover the latest NABC newsletter.
For more effective support of Africa’s economic development

Courses of economic action proposed by the German-African Business Association to address the causes of flight
Addressing the causes of flight has been the dominant theme in the debate on the increasing migration pressure in the direction of Germany and Europe. A significant amount of migrants come to us from African countries too. The German Federal Government and the EU want to counter migration pressure primarily through partnerships on migration with African countries, and greater humanitarian support in refugee camps. At the same time, traditional development assistance is being increasingly called into question, and justifiably so.
CIAN Barometer survey 2017
Dear members,
Our survey on doing business in Africa for the CIAN Barometer 2017 is now online.
Published in French and English, the CIAN Report, which contents results and analyses of this survey, is one of the most authoritative and up-to-date report on business in Africa. It provides investors, local authorities and international organisations with a direct feedback from companies working in Africa.
We need country managers, CFOs of international companies in each and every 54 countries of the Continent to participate! Thank you for your contribution.