DOING BUSINESS IN NIGER - 29 October 2020 (online event)

Innover pour lutter contre la tuberculose en contexte de COVID en Afrique - 6 octobre 2020

Erick Maville, Directeur Général, Santé en Entreprise (SEE), Président de la Commission santé du CIAN, a le plaisir de vous inviter au prochain webinaire de la Commission santé du CIAN Mardi 6 octobre à 10h30 (Heure Paris) sur le thème "Innover pour lutter contre la tuberculose en contexte de COVID en Afrique."
Intervenants :
- Linda Betroune, Global Marketing Director, QIAGEN ;
- François Jung, Manager Private sector engagement, FONDS MONDIAL ;
- Eric Fleutelot, Directeur technique Département Santé - Pôle grande pandémies, EXPERTISE FRANCE
- Isabelle Villadary, Head of Malaria and Tuberculosis - Global Health Programs, SANOFI
How Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Development Finance Institutions (DFI) can play a significant role in providing support to the South African private sector during and post COVID19 – 06 October 2020 (online event)
How Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Development Finance Institutions (DFI) can play a significant role in providing support to the South African private sector during and post COVID19 recovery to promote job creation, skills development, and a value-added economy.
Our distinguished speakers are Norwegian Ambassador to South Africa: H.E. Ms. Astrid Emilie Helle; Former South African Minister of Tourism and South African Presidential Investment Envoy: Mr Derek Hanekom; IOE Vice President to the ILO, Vice Chair of the ILO, IOE Chair of Business and Human Rights, Chair of Productivity South Africa and Chairman to SANA: Prof Mthunzi Mdwaba ; CEO of Arise Pty Ltd : Mr Deepak Malik Divisional Finance Director to Unilever: Ms. Mpume Langa ; Dr. Abdu Mukhtar: Director for Industrialization and Trade Facilitation at African Development Bank Group.
Doing business in Angola: what you need to know - 30 October 2020 (online event)

Lors de ce Webinaire, des représentants du gouvernement belge ainsi que des opérateurs belges présents en Angola interviendront pour partager leur expérience en tant qu'opérateurs économiques sur le marché angolais et répondre à vos questions.Parmi les intervenants:
- S.E Mário de Azevedo Constantino, ambassadeur de la République Angolaise à Bruxelles
- S.E Jozef Smets, ambassadeur du Royaume de Belgique à Luanda
- M. António Henriques da Silva, président de l’AIPEX (Angolan Investment and Export Promotion Agency)
- M. Edouard Jourdain, Senior Consultant, Port of Antwerp
- M. Stefaan Mattheeuws, Country Representative - Manager Business Development, EXMAR Marine
- Captain Jean-Marc Thiebaut, Director, NileDutch Belgium
- Eric Peiffer, Managing director, Vecturis S.A
During this webinar, Belgian government officials and representatives as well as Belgian actors operating in Angola are expected to share their experience as economic operators on the Angolan market and answer your questions.
Existe -t - il une place pour le secteur privé à Cuba? - Thursday 8 October 2020 (online event)

In collaboration with its permanent representative in Havana, Mr. Benoit Croonenberghs , the CBL ACP will organize a webinar dedicated to the Cuban market. Private operators active in this part of the world will testify about their field experience.
The final program will be communicated shortly, registration is mandatory and participation is free for CBL ACP members. Non-members will be asked to contribute to the costs.

During this webinar, Belgian government officials and representatives as well as Belgian actors operating in Angola are expected to share their experience as economic operators on the Angolan market and answer your questions.
Nordic-African Business Webcast 2020 - Thursday 8 October 2020 (online event)
NABA, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Scatec Solar and the Africa Finance Corporation are pleased to welcome you to attend The Nordic-African Business Webcast on Thursday 8 October 2020.
African business meets Nordic counterparts in what will be this year’s most useful digital platform to reconnect and re-engage with the continent. How do we best conduct business virtually? How will the business climate change going forward? Do we need a pivot in African – Nordic business relations? Meet business executives, experts, politicians and benefit from their insight on what the future holds for business between the Nordic countries and Africa.
WEBINAR - The economic and geopolitical situation in CÔTE d ’IVOIRE

On September 15th next, CBL-ACP, in cooperation with its permanent representative in ABIDJAN and the collaboration of the Chambre de Commerce de Luxembourg, invites you to join a webinar.
Webinar – 30.06 - Doing Business in Tunisia in Times of COVID-19 and Beyond
Foreign direct investment in Tunisia has recorded growth rates of over 20 per cent in the past years and Tunisia is praised for its good investment climate as part of the G20 Compact with Africa Initiative. In addition, export-oriented companies experience tax benefits and since 2011 the German commitment has tripled. With COVID-19 also affecting the Tunisian economy, however, the question arises how joint strategies can be developed to successfully continue on a path of cooperation and mutual win-win relationships.
This webinar will therefore give an overview over the current situation around COVID-19 in Tunisia and the response of the Tunisian government to the outbreak. In addition, it will highlight business opportunities in selected sectors in Tunisia, explain how COVID-19 will affect doing business in these areas and showcase examples of German companies that have successfully done business in Tunisia before and during COVID-19.