Norway – Mozambique Business & Investment Forum - 15 Novembre 2018

Welcome to the Norway – Mozambique Business & Investment Forum in Oslo/Norway – hosted by NABA and NORWEP in connection with a high level visit from Mozambique. A conference programme and more details will be shared soon.
8th of November 2018: Annual NABA Summit to showcase the continent’s blue opportunity

For the 8th consecutive year, NABA – together with co-host Norfund and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are gathering 500 Nordic and African business representatives in Oslo, this year under the heading “The Blue Opportunity”.
– The Nordic-African Business Summit is the platform for our African business partners as well as Nordic companies who want to be the first learner, first earner and first mover in Africa’s blue opportunity, says Eivind Fjeldstad, Managing Director of NABA.
Benin’s President Patrice Talon – a representative of the new generation of African leadership, and with a background from the private sector – will be giving the key note speech, and will be followed by 35 distinguished speakers from Unilever, Standard Chartered, Equinor, Yara International, International Trade Center, World Ocean Council, Ferd Group, A.P. Moller Capital, RaboBank, Siem Industries and DNV GL to mention some.
– With blue opportunity we mean the renewable opportunities in the sky, the ocean resources, and the water needed for Africa’s agriculture. Trade is also central – as 90 percent of all the continent’s imports and exports are conducted by sea. The Nordic countries have a long maritime history, we are leading energy and fisheries nations – everything we do, is connected to something blue, says Fjeldstad.
This year’s Nordic-African Business Summit will feature two plenary sessions with “high level outlook – Africa’s blue opportunity” and “Africa’s gateway to investments and trade” – as well as six special sessions featuring Africa’s port outlook, marine waste, food & agribusiness, aquaculture, energy outlook and finding the right energy projects. As in previous years, more than 20 African Ambassadors will be ready to meet conference delegates in a dedicated speed-meeting session.
You can read more about the programme and register for this year’s Summit by clicking here
Addis Ababa: Investment Mission to Ethiopia 23 - 26 October 2018

In partnership with Eastern African Association (EAA), NABA members are invited to join an investment mission to Ethiopia, from October 23rd-26th. The program includes a Nordic Conference organized by the Nordic Embassies in Addis Ababa, in addition to a joint NABA and EAA program with relevant stakeholders.
Eastern Africa recorded the continent’s best economic performance in 2017 and, within that, Ethiopia stands out as the fastest growing country.
After a period of considerable political uncertainty, during which two states of emergency were declared, Ethiopia has now become much more stable following the election of a reform-minded new Prime Minister, Mr. Abiy Ahmed, in early April. Despite the political troubles, a serious drought in certain parts of the country and a continuing shortage of foreign exchange, the economy has still managed to grow at a rate of around 8% and current projections indicate this trend is likely to continue.
The timing of the Investment Mission therefore looks to be very opportune, at a point in the Ethiopia’s development when there is the real prospect of a greater private sector contribution to the economy and increased foreign investment within that.
Déjeuner - Débat Tout Afrique, le rôle des secteurs privé et public français ? - 16 October 2018

Invité : Rémy Rioux, directeur général du groupe AFD
Tout Afrique, le rôle des secteurs privé et public français ?
Fin connaisseur des institutions et des entreprises françaises, passionné des questions de développement et de climat, Rémy Rioux a également un fort attachement à l'Afrique. Sa mission à la tête de l'AFD l'a naturellement mené à effectuer de nombreux déplacements sur ce continent qu'il a placé au cœur de la stratégie de l'Agence. Par ailleurs, avec une approche "Tout Afrique", l’AFD est la première institution publique à considérer le continent dans toute son étendue et dans sa diversité régionale.
Que retient-il de ses rencontres avec les gouvernements, la société civile et le secteur privé africains ? Que lui ont appris les projets financés par l'AFD sur la situation et les dynamiques africaines ? Y a-t-il une nouvelle donne dans les relations entre la France et l'Afrique, une nouvelle manière de travailler avec les différents partenaires ? Comment voit-il l'avenir ? En particulier quel devrait être le rôle des secteurs publics et privés et des entreprises internationales ?
Horaires : Apéritif networking à partir de 12h30. Déjeuner de 13h00 à 14h30
Lieu : Automobile Club de France, 6 place de la Concorde, 75008 Paris.
La participation au déjeuner est payante. – Tarif : 135 € TTC pour les adhérents du CIAN / 170 € TTC pour les non-adhérents (A partir du vendredi 12 octobre à 15h, toute inscription non annulée restera due)
More information and registration
Africa Works! 2018 - 19th & 20th September 2018

Founded in 2012 by the Netherlands-African Business Council (NABC), Africa Works! is a thematic bi-annual conference organized to position, promote and market the African continent as a valuable trade and investment destination. A visit to Africa Works! will inform, inspire, and connect the Dutch private sector with myriad companies and government representatives from Africa. Previous editions of Africa Works! attracted 400 to 500 visitors on each conference day. The 2016 edition of Africa Works! was addressed by Klaas Knot, President of the Dutch Central Bank while the 2012 edition was visited by Queen Maxima of The Netherlands.
This year, NABC’s flagship event will feature the theme of Future African Cities. The first day wil be dedicated to ‘Building Future African cities’ while day 2 is dedicated to ‘Powering Future African cities.’
Francophone Africa Business Forum (FAB Forum) - 19th June 2018

It is my pleasure to inform you of one of NABC's major annual conferences: the Francophone Africa Business Forum (FAB Forum), which will take place on June 19th in Madurodam, The Hague.
What is the FAB Forum?
The FAB Forum is the only existing business and knowledge-sharing platform focusing on trade and investment in Francophone Africa. The forum has a full-day programme including a plenary session with panel discussions; workshops; matchmaking; a company/country exhibition and a networking reception. Each year, the forum is visited by a large delegation from Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso, as well as several other Francophone African countries (such as Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Benin and Tunisia). More than 200 companies from the Netherlands and the rest of Europe attend the event. French-English translation is provided throughout the day. More information can be found on the FAB Forum website.
Theme 2018: Creating Partnerships in Agribusiness
This year's 4th edition of the FAB Forum has the theme of 'creating partnerships in agribusiness'. Special focus will be put on the following sectors: livestock (poultry, meat, dairy, animal feed), fruit and vegetables (production, seeds, fertilizer) and agrologistics (transport, export, packaging, conservation). Besides large companies and SMEs, the forum also attracts government representatives, knowledge institutes and start-ups.
There are several opportunities to highlight your company or organization during the event. For example by hosting a workshop, setting up a company stand, or becoming a strategic event sponsor. You can contact Maloe de Reuver (

We would like to inform you that the ‘Invest in Ethiopia Forum’ shall not take place on April 4th. We regret any inconveniences caused. The current fluid political situation in Ethiopia has led to questions from some of our longstanding partners about whether it is now the right timing to hold such an event.
NABC and the Ethiopian embassy in Brussels have therefore decided to push back the event and organize it at a later date. Anyone who has already paid the entrance fee shall be reimbursed.
Representatives from the Industrial parks will explain the benefits of setting up a business in the park, which include tax holidays, affordable electricity, reasonable labour costs and a one-stop shop for everything the foreign companies need. Large international fashion brands like Tommy Hilfiger and Calvin Klein nowadays have apparel factories on such industrial parks. Dutch investors and financial institutions, like the Dutch Good Growth Fund, RVO, FMO, ING and Rabobank, will be present to tackle the component of access to finance and we hear from Dutch companies, that are active in Ethiopia, themselves.
Priority sectors of this event are:
- Textile and Garments
- Agro Processing (Dairy, Poultry, Horticulture, food)
Mid/High-level companies, interesested in setting up a business in an Industrial Park are warmly welcomed. NABC’s Arne Doornebal visited the Hawassa Industrial Park in 2017 and wrote this article about it in NABC Magazine.
12th German-African Energy Forum

The German-African Business Association (Afrika-Verein) invites you cordially to the
12th German-African Energy Forum
"Africa's Sustainable Energy Future"
24 & 25 April 2018 at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
In 2018, we will focus on the increasing role of renewable energies in the African continent's electricity supply and how Africa can make its energy future more sustainable.
Program highlights are
• Energy systems and system management
• Renewable energies: Wind, solar and hydro power, biomass and biogas
• National and international initiatives in the energy sector
• Mini-grid and off-grid solutions for industry and rural areas
The program overview can be found HERE.
We offer a variety of attractive advertising options and create with pleasure an individual sponsorship package for you. Please contact us at any time personally!
The German-African Energy Forum is the most important plattform for the European-African energy business in Germany. Since 2006 the forum has attracted almost 4.000 participants and delegates from 52 African countries.
On Thursday, April 26 we additionally offer a guided-tour to the Hannover Messe, the world's largest industrial fair. Included in the fee is the bus transfer from Hamburg to the Hanover Fair. Please let us know whether you wish to attend when registering for the conference.