- 16 June 2021, 10:30 a.m.
What role can LPG play in Africa’s energy transition? In this webinar we ask experts their opinion on this question.
The UK-Africa Forum: Trade, Policy and Reform
Join Invest Africa for the UK-Africa Trade Forum on 15th June. Bringing together policy and business leaders from across the UK and the Continent, the Forum will examine the future of UK-Africa trade and avenues for policy reform.
Assemblée Générale du CIAN et déjeuner-débat
Alexandre Vilgrain, président du CIAN, a le plaisir de vous convier à l’Assemblée générale ordinaire de l’association qui se tiendra à l’Automobile Club de France et en visio-conférence l'11 Juin 2021.
L’ordre du jour est le suivant :
De 10h30 à 12h00
- Rapport moral 2020
- Rapport des commissions 2020 et Projets 2021
- Présentation des nouveaux adhérents
De 12h00 à 12h30
- Actualité Afrique, par Etienne Giros, président délégué du CIAN
De 12h30 à 14h30
- Déjeuner-débat* avec notre invité d’honneur Mme Anne-Laure Kiechel, Présidente-fondatrice de GLOBAL SOVEREIGN ADVISORY
Thème : « Les problématiques économiques et financières des États africains. Quelles solutions au service des politiques publiques ? »
2ème Assises HEC de la Géopolitique
- 10 Juin 2021
Evénement organisé par le Club HEC Géostratégie en partenariat avec le CIAN, l’Association des auditeurs IHEDN région Paris IDF et la revue Conflits.
Briefing with Chargé d'affaires at the Norwegian Embassy in Ghana
Welcome to a 30 minutes briefing conversation with Chargé d'affaires at the Norwegian Embassy in Ghana
Update on economy, politics, coronavirus-situation – with time for your questions.
Regional Integration & UK Strategic Investments in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) & the Republic of Angola
Invest Africa, in partnership with Clyde & Co, the Congolese Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain the UK Department for International Trade are delighted to welcome you to this importance conversation, as we look to examin the development of collaboration between the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) & the Republic of Angola.
Discussion points:
Development of regional synergies between two major power houses: the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) & the Republic of Angola.
British companies investments in the MINING sector in both countries & how they can leverage on the AIM & the London Stock Exchange.
Regional integration via cross border investments under trade agreements.
More info and registration here.
Regaining Momentum: Africa’s Energy leading to a Smart, Green & Inclusive Economic Transformation
The 14th German-African Energy Forum will be back on June 1st and 2nd 2021. For 13 years, this conference has been crucial to foster German-African economic cooperation, to develop new partnership and new opportunities for businesses.
Water and renewable energy in Angola: "challenges and possibilities"
CBL-ACP a le plaisir d’annoncer le prochain webinaire thématique, organisé conjointement avec l’Ambassade de Belgique en Angola, avec pour thème :
L’eau et les énergies renouvelables en Angola : défis et perspectives’.
Quand : 20 mai 2021 à 11 heures (CEST)
Le webinaire se tiendra en anglais et en français.
Ne manquez pas cette occasion de vous informer sur un sujet clé du monde des affaires en Angola.
INVEST AFRICA: Oxford Africa Business Forum 2021
Africa: Past, Present, Future
Africa’s strong commitment and progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) over the past decades have resulted in exponential growth and have holistically improved livelihoods. With the SDGs in sight, the narrative for Africa is shifting from one of 'deficits' and 'gaps' to one of prospects, opportunities, ventures and creativity.
Today, Africa is an emergent market that is home to 17% of the world’s population and has consumer spending of over $4.1 trillion. Already business environments, investment, and mutually beneficial partnerships and opportunities are improving and growing. Together, these elements present countless prospects for both the present and the continent’s future. However, it is worth noting that the future is not withstanding obstacles as extraordinary challenges threaten to paralyze achievements and reverse gains. Radical and innovative efforts need to be made to build the best future and to ensure Africa’ continuous prosperity.
To better understand and explore Africa’s challenges and opportunities, Oxford’s Africa Business Forum 2021 will draw on the experience of leaders and experts working in and across the continent to share learnings from the past, present successes, future ideas and initiatives for Africa. Together we will reflect on Africa's Past, Present and Future.
More info and registration here.
Webinaire 18 mai 2021 ECOLE MILITAIRE – PARIS