Briefing Seminar - 4th, February 2020 - Brussels, Belgium

Africa-EU-China: Avenues for a New Economic Partnership?
Tuesday, 4th February 2020 / 16h30-18h00 (registration from 16h00) / EIAS, Rue de la Loi 26, 10th Floor, Brussels.
The European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) and the European Business Council for Africa (EBCAM, a non-profit business organisation dedicated to the promotion of the private sector in Africa) organized a Briefing Seminar addressing these issues on 4 February 2020 in Brussels. The event has shed light on the potential venues of cooperation and ways forward in trilateral Africa-EU-China economic cooperation.
More than 200 people from the public and private sector (EU institutions, international instititions, international corporations, academia, media and civil society associations) participated in the conference and exchanged views from different perspectives on the topic.
Africa is today’s second fastest growing region in the world. The EU is its largest trade partner and investor, and is now looking to develop greater economic synergies with actors from the continent. The new European Commission is committed to scale up its business exchanges and trade partnerships with the region.
EBCAM honors Ms. Valentina Santoro
The EBCAM family would like to thank Ms. Valentina Santoro for her full dedication the last four years as Chief Operating Officer and to wish her good luck to her new career horizons.
Below: Our General Secretary Dr. Alexandros Spachis with Ms. Valentina Santoro.
Moving with Africa

Opportunities for Business and Development
Conference at Basel university
On wednesday, 28 june 2017, 1.30 p.m. - 5.45 p.m.
followed by reception
where EBCAM is an official partner whose members get an important reduction on the registration fees.
The venue is: Kollegienhaus (main building) of the University of Basel
Petersplatz 1, 4051 Basel
For further information and registration, please consult the site:
Early bird (registered by 30 April 2017): CHF 120.-
Regular: CHF 160.-
Meeting with The Ambassador of Kenya in Belgium, H.E. Johnson Weru

On Tuesday 23 May 2017, His Excellency Johnson Weru, Ambassador of Kenya received the Secretary General of EBCAM, Mr Alexandros Spachis.
European Development days 2016
The European Development Days (EDD) are Europe’s leading forum on development and international cooperation. Organized by the European Commission, the forum brings the development community together each year to share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
The tenth edition of the European Development Days (EDD 2016) will take place in Brussels on 15-16th June 2016. For its tenth anniversary, EDD 2016 will focus on the ‘2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’, making it one of the very first major conferences dedicated to the issue.