The report focuses on Books For Africa's results in 2022. BFA continues as the world's largest shipper of donated books to the African continent, shipping over 57 million books and serving every single African country in our 34-year history.
In 2022 alone, they shipped over 3.2 million books, and 355 computers and e-readers containing over one million digital books, carrying a total value of over $26.7 million. they served 27 countries chis year. Thanks to supporters, over $2.3 million in cash donations was raised in 2022 to ship these materials.
They were recognized as one of the best non-profits in the U.S.: BFA received top recognition from the premier charity recognition organizations in 2022. They garnered their 11th consecutive top 4-star rating from Charity Navigator, putting BFA in the top three percent of all U.S. charities for fiscal responsibility and transparency.
They shipped through unprecedented supply chain disruptions: The Covid pandemic has caused global dislocation, school closures and social distancing requirements, and dramatically reduced economic activity. This has resulted in continuing severe supply chain disruptions and dramatically increased costs across the world, with sca ports, offices, schools, universities and libraries closed or with reduced operations and/or delays. Despite these challenges, BFA and their partners across Africa pressed on, continuing to sort, pack, and ship books from our warehouse facilities. They all hope for better things to come in 2023, and they will continue to do their best to meet the needs of our partners across Africa regardless of what comes next!
Source: Books For Africa