The European Business Council for Africa

On November 21, 2024, the European Business Council for Africa (EBCAM) held its 34th General Assembly, hosted at its headquarters in Brussels.

EBCAM's members from across Europe convened to exchange insights and engage in discussions on development progress in African countries, Europe-Africa cooperation, and key international challenges affecting businesses and policies in the African continent. Members also reflected on recent EU affairs, including the new European Parliament, the  appointment of new Commissioners and their implications for Africa-Europe relations.

The General Assembly featured several distinguished guests whose valuable presentations enriched the discussions. Ms. Ranaivozanany, Deputy Executive Director of the Africa Europe Foundation, provided a policy-making perspective in the Europe-Africa relations; Mr. Paolo Baldan, Business Support Organizations Expert, and Ms. Patricia Gores, Key Expert EABF Events & Public Private Dialogue, shared how our members could get more involved in the Global Gateway initiative; and Mr. Adam Jirousek, Enhanced Coordination Lead at the European Commission DG Trade, offered insights on the work of the European Commission in building a  comprehensive EU export credit strategy to finance Global Gateway projects.

EBCAM’s next General Assembly will be held in the Principality of Monaco.


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