The European Business Council for Africa

On 4 March 2025, the European Union (EU) and South Africa came together for the 7th EU-South Africa Policy Forum on Environment, Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Water, held in Brussels and online. The forum reaffirmed both parties’ commitment to tackling climate change, strengthening environmental sustainability and promoting the just energy transition. 

Policy Forum on Climate, Environment and Water 

The climate segment of the forum was co-chaired by Diana Acconcia, Director for International Affairs and Climate Finance at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Climate Action (DG CLIMA), alongside Stuart Mangold, Chief Policy Advisor for International Governance and Resource Mobilisation at the Department for Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment of South Africa. The Environment and Water segment was led on the EU side by Sarah Nelen, DG Environment’s Acting Director for Green Diplomacy and Multilateralism and her colleague Davor Percan, Head of Unit for Bilateral and Regional Environmental Cooperation.  

The discussions provided an opportunity to discuss the implementation of our respective Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), legislative developments and cooperation on emissions reduction, climate adaptation and sustainable development, including circular economy, biodiversity conservation and water resilience. The Forum also allowed both sides to exchange views on priorities ahead of COP30 in Brazil, emphasizing the need for bold international action, and to renew their commitment to a successful conclusion of the ongoing negotiations for a global plastic treaty. 

Multilateral cooperation 

The Forum also served as a strategic platform to discuss our cooperation in multilateral fora, particularly as South Africa holds the G20 presidency in 2025 and the next EU – African Union Summit is due to take place this year. The policy forum reaffirmed the shared commitment to ambitious climate action and enhanced environmental cooperation, setting the stage for further discussions at the upcoming EU-South Africa Summit on 13 March 2025.  

As the EU and South Africa continue to deepen their climate and environment partnership, this dialogue reinforced a shared vision for a greener, more resilient future—one that balances economic growth, climate and environmental responsibility, and promote social inclusion.      


Source: European Commission