The European Business Council for Africa

The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) through its Food Systems Resilience Program (FSRP) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia this morning convened with national and regional experts from Ethiopia and Kenya under the Food Systems Resilience Programs to learn from each other, share experiences and best practices as one of the strategies to strengthen collaboration and coordination to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of FSRP investments and interventions across the IGAD region.

IGAD with funding from the World Bank is implementing a seven-year program on Food Systems Resilience for Eastern and Southern Africa (FSRP) built on four pillars of re-building resilient agricultural production capacity, supporting the sustainable development of natural resources for resilient agricultural landscapes, getting to the market and promoting a greater focus on food systems resilience in national and regional policymaking. The Program is with a Development Objective (PDO) to increase the resilience of food systems and preparedness for food insecurity in participating countries.

The IGAD Experience Sharing and Learning Mission is to strengthen collaboration and linkages with the FSRP in Ethiopia, considering that Ethiopia has progressed in the implementation of FSRP, thus will greatly benefit the FSRP of the Republic of Kenya and IGAD FSRP by directly interacting and engaging with farmers on agricultural innovations, lessons and good practices at first-hand interaction, experience and observation.

During the opening session in Addis Ababa, Mr. Abebaw Bihonegn Belachew, the IGAD Head of Mission to Ethiopia representing the Executive Secretary expressed his gratitute to Ethiopia for accepting to host the first learning and experience sharing visit in a bid to strengthen collaboration, linkages for greater synergies and partnerships with lessons being shared with other IGAD Member States.

“It is of great importance to share lessons and best practices of the different technologies, practices and experiences used in agricultural transformation thus the outcomes of this event will be used as a blue print for replication for farmers in our Member States to create awareness about the regional interventions by understanding, adopting and implementing the best practices that will be shared with the goal of a food secure region by strengthening our region’s safety nets to ensure that our citizens have access to food and water” Mr. Belachew added.

Representing the FSRP-Ethiopia, Mr Keberu Belayneh the National Program Manager, Food System Resilience Program under the Ministry of Agriculture in his welcoming remarks emphasized the importance of strengthening food systems resilience by promoting climate smart agriculture, competitive value chains for strategic agricultural products and commodities aimed at reducing poverty through interventions that promote rural enterprises, create non-farm job opportunities as well improved health and nutrition.

The meeting was officiated by Mr. Girma Bekele, Head, Office of the Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture who pointed out that the challenges the region faces like climate change, economic instability and population growth demands a coordinated and concerted robust response from all stakeholders through key initiatives that require the adoption of climate-smart agriculture to reduce dependency on rain-fed agriculture, investment in irrigation infrastructure and promotion of diversified crop production.

“Ethiopia remains steadfast in its commitment to transforming our food systems by focusing on strengthening value chains and improving market access for smallholder farmers. Efforts are being made to enhance post-harvest management, reduce food losses, and increase the availability of nutritious foods. By fostering innovation and leveraging technology, Ethiopia aims to create a more resilient and sustainable food systems, modernized agriculture and promoting sustainable practices that can withstand environmental and economic shocks, ultimately contributing to the well-being and prosperity of its population ensuring food and nutrition security for all citizens” Mr. Bekele highlighted.

The inaugural meeting in Addis Ababa had the FSRP Country Teams present their Progress Reports on the implementation of investments in the country food systems resilience programs of Ethiopia and Kenya. The meeting is preceding experience sharing field visits to Dire Dawa and Harar in Eastern Ethiopia where the FSRP teams will interact directly with farmers on best practices and modern technologies in agricultural transformation.

The meeting is being attended by Food Systems Resilience Program experts from Ethiopia, Kenya and IGAD FSRP staff.


Source: IGAD