Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting (Thirty-seventh session)- 2–6 November 2020 (online event)
The thirty-seventh session of the Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting will be held from 2 to 6 November 2020, from 2 to 4 p.m. each day. The session will open at 2 p.m. on Monday, 2 November 2020, in room XX of the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Both in-person attendance and remote participation using an online platform will be possible, with interpretation in all United Nations languages. Further information on the modalities will be sent in due course. […]
Towards UN LDC5: Recovery from COVID-19 - 21&23 October 2020 (online event)
The EIF would like to warmly invite you to attend this virtual conference on how to best support LDCs recovering from COVID-19. The first session on 21 October will highlight emerging risks, and discuss how to address the vulnerabilities and build resilience of LDCs. The second session, on 23 October, featuring our own Executive Director, will discuss the new approaches and tools that could increase the mobilisation, impact and alignment of financing the recovery of LDCs.
U.S.-Ethiopia Investment Dialogue - 20 Octobre 2020 (online event)
Ethiopia's economic strategy clearly identifies priority sectors of manufacturing, agriculture, mining, tourism, and ICT in which Ethiopia holds comparative advantages. Over the past two decades, the Government has strengthened the country's competitiveness through major improvements in appropriate infrastructure and technical capacity, including massive investments in state-of-the-art industrial parks and logistics centers. The government has dramatically improved the country's transportation sector through the building of thousands of kilometers of paved roads, developing the railway system, and creating air passenger and cargo capacity unrivaled anywhere in the continent of Africa. In addition, the country continues to provide attractive incentives to investors in the identified priorities. The government is now implementing wide-ranging economic reform and privatization measures, opening several sectors to foreign investments.
The U.S- Ethiopia investment dialogue program is designed for participants to gain deep insight and update on Ethiopian's ongoing economic reform. […]
Webinar “Pulse check - Trade Finance in Sub-Saharan Africa during COVID-19”- 15 October 2020 (online event)
Following the release of a collaborative report that assessed the impact of COVID-19 on trade finance, Making Finance Work for Africa (MFW4A), an initiative hosted by the African Development Bank, is pleased to invite you to the following webinar together with report co-authors from the African Development Bank, the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), the International Trade Center, the International Chamber of Commerce, Islamic Development Bank, West African Development Bank (BOAD) and East African Development Bank (EADB).
In this current unprecedented environment, policy makers & development organizations have attempted to respond to the multi-faceted pandemic and help sub-Saharan African countries ride these difficult times. Keeping trade in goods and services flowing presents an economic and social imperative to preserve the livelihoods of millions of Africans. Pre-COVID-19, the trade finance gap in Africa was already estimated to be above $100 billion.[…]
Civil Society Driving Change: Towards a New Quality of the Africa-Europe Partnership - 16 October 2020 (online event)
In 2021, the African and European Heads of State and Government will meet in Brussels to adopt a new strategy that guides the partnership between our two continents for the years to come. Although the AU-EU Summit was meant to take place this October and become a highlight of Germany ́s current EU Council Presidency, its postponement to next year provides the chance for civil society to set its own priorities for an inclusive, fair and sustainable partnership.
With civil society being an important bridge between the distant AU-EU policy processes and the wellbeing of people on the ground, our conference will provide the space to develop new civil society approaches for a revised Joint Africa-Europe Strategy that actually helps to improve people´s living conditions.
The policy fields in which Africa and Europe would both benefit from close collaboration and a fair partnership are constantly increasing: They include the need for radical climate change reduction and adaptation measures; strengthening local and sustainable value chains to improve income; rural development and the shift towards a green agriculture; functioning social protection and health care systems; the creation of legal migration routes; intergenerational and gender justice, among others. […]
Webinar on rice sector development and trade policies in West Africa - 22 October 2020 (online event)
West African countries rely heavily on overseas rice imports, and the 2008 food prices crisis revealed the risk of this situation. West African governments therefore pursued policies aimed at developing the local rice sector and reducing import dependency. Although rice production increased considerably, the availability, affordability and appeal of imported rice continues to outweigh locally produced rice.
These policies have failed to deliver durable productivity gains and sufficient rice quality management, and also did not adequately address opportunities for trade within the West African region. For competitive, resilient and sustainable rice value chains to further emerge, it is crucial that trade policies become better aligned with agricultural and industrial policies. However, detailed information and analyses of rice trading dynamics in the region have been in short supply. […]
Webinaire SEA Côte d'Ivoire - 15 Octobre 2020 (online event)
Actualités et plan d'actions du programme SEA en Côte d'Ivoire en contexte de pandémie COVID ; des défis à relever, des opportunités à saisir.
Webinaire SEA Cameroun - 13 Octobre 2020 (online event)
The African Union Covid-19 Respond Fund - 24 October 2020 (online event)
While still behind the pandemic curve of other regions, the situation in Africa is changing rapidly with the number of infections and deaths increasing dramatically. On August 23, the number of infected people with COVID-19 passed the 1million threshold.
The AU COVID-19 Response Fund Webinar will take place October 24, 2020, at 13.00 GMT
The event will be broadcasted in the African Union official languages (Arabic, English, French and Portuguese)[…]
Human smuggling and trafficking in Africa: creating a criminal economy - 16 October 2020 (online event)
Human smuggling and trafficking in persons are major concerns across Africa, with nearly all countries qualifying as source, transit, and/or destination countries. This lucrative criminal enterprise has debilitating consequences for the continent’s economy, development, security and human rights. Combating human smuggling and trafficking are growing human security priorities for African states.
This seminar launches three new ENACT studies focusing on trends in criminalisation and criminal justice responses to smuggling across Africa, trafficking in persons in Kenya to Gulf States, and ways that mobile money enables or aggravates human smuggling and trafficking. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the problem and its solutions will also be considered.[…]