In 2021, the African and European Heads of State and Government will meet in Brussels to adopt a new strategy that guides the partnership between our two continents for the years to come. Although the AU-EU Summit was meant to take place this October and become a highlight of Germany ́s current EU Council Presidency, its postponement to next year provides the chance for civil society to set its own priorities for an inclusive, fair and sustainable partnership.
With civil society being an important bridge between the distant AU-EU policy processes and the wellbeing of people on the ground, our conference will provide the space to develop new civil society approaches for a revised Joint Africa-Europe Strategy that actually helps to improve people´s living conditions.
The policy fields in which Africa and Europe would both benefit from close collaboration and a fair partnership are constantly increasing: They include the need for radical climate change reduction and adaptation measures; strengthening local and sustainable value chains to improve income; rural development and the shift towards a green agriculture; functioning social protection and health care systems; the creation of legal migration routes; intergenerational and gender justice, among others. […]
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