The European Business Council for Africa

The African Development Bank’s African Natural Resources Centre (ANRC) and African Legal Support Facility (ALSF) will join the Nordic Africa Institute in hosting a webinar titled, Minerals and Africa’s Development: Challenges and Opportunities.

The webinar is part of an ongoing series on Africa’s COVID-19 response and the Extractives Sector that is exploring the role of the  extractives sector in supporting the continent’s development and post COVID-19 recovery.

This session will delve deeply into key issues discussed in the International Study Group (ISG) Report on Minerals and Africa’s Development and the Africa Mining Vision (AMV) and their relevance in contemporary times,  and identify practical measures to ensure the sector can strengthen Africa’s resilience and sustainable growth during and beyond the pandemic.

Key speakers include:

  • Fui Tsikata, Mining Consultant 

Minerals and Africa's Development: Reflections on the ISG Report and implementation of the Africa Mining Vision

  • Jerry Ahadjie, Chief Minerals Officer, African Development Bank 

Minerals and Africa's Development: Critical success factors in local content development and selected country experiences

  • Dr. Yao Graham, Coordinator of the Third World Network (TWN) Africa

Resolving international trade and investment issues, and civil society organisations’ involvement in the implementation of the Africa Mining Vision

  • Nellie Mutemeri. Independent Consultant & Associate Professor at University of the Witwatersrand. 

Progress on artisanal mining formalisation and gender issues


You can register here

You are encouraged to submit your questions about this session by Tuesday 23 February 2021 via

Interpretation services in both English and French will be available.

Source: African Development Bank