The European Business Council for Africa

EBCR and Rwanda Finance ltd are inviting EBCR Members to an interesting event to discuss the latest updates of the KIFC project. It will take place 12th of November 2021 at Ubumwe Hotel 1.30pm.

Kigali International Financial Centre is a financial centre that will transform Rwanda into an international financial destination for investors seeking opportunities across the African continent.
• Vision:
To build a bright future for Rwanda and for Africa by transforming the investment landscape across our continent.
• Mission:
To connect people with brilliant opportunities – the investment world with Africa, Rwandans with an exciting future, people with jobs and careers.
• Goal:
Connecting people with opportunities, across Africa and beyond
1. 01h30: Arrival
2. 01th50: Welcome By Rwanda Finance and EBCR
3. 02h00-02h30: KIFC presentation by Mr Ntoudi Mouyelo, Chief investment Officer
4. 02h30-03h30: Q&A’s
5. 03h30-4h30: Cocktail networking
KN 67 St, Kigali, Rwanda

Please confirm your attendance by mail latest by 08.11.2021 to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by sharing your name, company and number of attendees.
Star Members has two seats, Blue and Associated Members one seat per organisation.