The European Business Council for Africa

Can Africa do better with trade? The share of intra-African exports as a percentage of total African exports has increased from about 10 percent in 1995 to around 17 percent in 2017, but it remains low compared to levels in Europe (69%), Asia (59 %), and North America (31%). This is an important reason to expect that trade will be a key driver of growth in Africa. According to modelling results by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the AfCFTA is projected to increase the value of intra- African exports. AfCFTA will be a game changer for stimulating intra-African trade. 

 Key discussion points:

  • What are the opportunities for Africa’s collaboration with other trading blocs for business development and growth?

  • What ‘best practice frameworks’ can the other trading blocs share with Africa to ensure AfCFTA’s success?

  • What are the key considerations that investors need to see from AfCFTA to ensure business continuation and investor success?


You can find the recording of the session here

Source: Invest Africa