AHBS - PPPs : The key to an innovation revolution in health in Africa

Africa Health Business at The Innovation Effect Africa conference, in Durban, South Africa, May 2 – May 3, 2017
PATH, an international nongovernmental organization, together with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, LeapFrog Investments, New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Agency, and the Wellcome Trust convened the conference to discuss health innovation and research capacity in Africa. Preceded by the World Economic Forum 2017, The Innovation Effect was attended by leaders across Africa, and the globe representing governments, the private sector, and the civil society.
Afrika - Verein : 11th German-African Energy Forum - April 2017

EAA mission Rwanda

EAA investment mission to Rwanda, via Nairobi, in October
The Rwanda Development Board (RDB) have now confirmed the dates for the EAA investment mission to the country, October 25th-27th. I will be preparing some notices shortly but the provisional format will be as follows:
Arrive in Nairobi on Tuesday October 24th, stay the night there (we would be happy to book the hotel) so that mission participants can attend the EAA members’ regional lunch meeting on the 25th (registration commences at 10.30). Here they will hear briefings on Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya and have an opportunity to network with our members already doing business in the region. It also involves a 3-course lunch which is included in the participation fee (provisionally euro 750).
CIAN - GENERAL ASSEMBLY - 28th March 2017

BCA Djibouti

BCA: The Djibouti railway story
the Djibouti Ports and Free Zones Authority
Port and infrastructure expansion in Djibouti
Djibouti is making investments in excess of $15 billion in new infrastructure, including four new ports.
The ports – together with projects to build a Liquefied Natural Gas facility, an oil terminal, and two brand new airports – will dramatically expand Djibouti’s ability to serve as a platform and trade hub for East African countries and African countries beyond the region.
AV 2017 forthcoming events

The Afrika-Verein (German-African Business Association) invites you to the 11th German-African Energy Forum in Hamburg.
The upcoming edition of our forum will set a special focus on energy for industry and will take place from April 25th to 26th2017.
On Thursday, April 27th we offer a tour to the Hannover Messe, the largest industrial trade fair of the world.
The fee contains the bus-shuttle Hamburg<->Hanover and the lunch.
Read more abbout our 2017 events here: http://www.afrikaverein.de/kalender/veranstaltungen/detail/?id=6eafb866-102d-0a8e-c46b-582090ead69c
NABA Business Guide

13th of March: NABA members are welcome to a luncheon with Ms. Razia Khan, Chief Economist AFrica, Standard Chartered Bank
29th of March: NABA & FK Norway breakfast seminar on Human Resources in Africa - How to build an organizational unity
Human Resources is your company’s most vital asset – and developing and retaining a talented workforce is the most important part of your business. How can you best manage human resources in Africa?
First annual forum on improving industrial waste management in Africa

Organised by CHWMEG, Inc.
This two-day conference in Cape Town from August 17 to 18 this year will be the first major event focusing on problems and solutions to improve industrial or hazardous waste management in Africa. All major stakeholder groups will be involved in two-days of presentations and discussions.
Keynote Speakers: The program will feature representatives from manufacturers, the waste management industry and African governments.Speakers will include the VP of ISWA, director of CHWMEG, president of the Nigerian waste management association and other key players. The panels will discuss the barriers to improving waste management and possible solutions.