The European Business Council for Africa

Wednesday 12 March 2025

11:00 - 12:30

Brussels, Belgium

As the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) approaches the end of its implementation on December 31, 2025, capturing its achievements and ensuring effective knowledge sharing is crucial. To this end, a thematic evaluation has been conducted, focusing on the strengthening of resilience of particularly vulnerable communities, refugees, and displaced people in complex environments in the HoA.

This evaluation provides an independent assessment of the performance of EUTF resilience programmes across the HoA, analysing results against expected objectives and extracting key lessons, conclusions, and recommendations. These insights will directly inform DG INTPA’s strategic and operational approach while shaping future EU resilience programmes in complex settings.

The conference will present the evaluation’s conclusions and recommendations, highlighting the impact of EUTF interventions in addressing key challenges. The presentation will specifically explore resilience strengthening actions of the EUTF through five key areas:

  1. Results: Assessing the outputs and outcomes of EUTF interventions, with a focus on strengthening food security, natural resource management, and disaster risk management in remote areas.
  2. Delivery System and EUTF specific approaches: Evaluating the design and implementation of effective resilience-building approaches, including the multisectoral approach, the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus, the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF), and the selection of implementing partners.
  3. Added Value of the EUTF: Examining the institutional setup and contributions of the EUTF, including its flexibility and timeliness, the extent to which interventions were based on good diagnostic work and analysis, how the EUTF monitoring and learning system supported the interventions.
  4. Challenges of Sustainability: Addressing the difficulties of ensuring long-term impact in complex settings.
  5. Strategic Targeting of Support: Reviewing the extent to which the support provided was strategic and set priorities with a view  to maximize effectiveness.

The evaluation and the conference aim to provide valuable insights that will guide future EU resilience programming, ensuring that lessons learned from the EUTF contribute to more effective, sustainable, and targeted interventions.


  • Geza Strammer , Head of Unit - Eastern and Central Africa
  • Volker Hauck, Senior Executive, Peace, Security and Resilience, ECDPM
  • Enrique De Loma-Ossorio Friend, Trust Fund Manager HOA
  • Matthieu Zamecnik, Policy officer Resilience, Peace, Security
  • Sophie Desmidt, Associate Director - peaceful societies and accountable governance


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