The European Union (EU) introduced its Green Deal in response to existential threats posed by climate change and environmental degradation, with the aim to be a resource efficient and climate neutral continent by 2050. The EU has also used its ambitious climate targets as a way to champion a green transition and leverage strides made by European companies to contribute to the sustainability agenda and competitiveness in trade partners’ economies. This paper, which was led by the European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM), highlights circular approaches of EU food-related businesses in SA and identifies opportunities for businesses in SADC- EPA states to make a circular economy transition. Given their importance in bilateral trade, and in line with the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy; the focus is on food and beverages, with an emphasis on the packaging of these products. Other areas such as food loss and waste, water- use and renewable energy are also covered, including examples of circular approaches by European companies operating in SA in these areas.
You can find the full report here.